If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you may be in need of credit counseling. Through this process, you may gain valuable insights and strategies for managing your money. Whether you are grappling with credit card bills, medical expenses or other debts, a...
Credit Card Debt
Debt has hit hard for some in Missouri
In Missouri and across the country, many people are struggling financially. Various issues, such as loss of income, injury-induced disabilities or unexpected repairs have made it difficult for some families to make ends meet. For some, their debt seems to have no end...
Protecting yourself when credit card debt is in collections
Credit cards are a part of life for Missouri consumers, but you may find yourself in a place where you rely on that little plastic rectangle for everything from daily purchases to emergency expenses. Perhaps you lost your job, or maybe you are unable to pay for the...
Phony debt collectors are on the prowl this tax season
Tax season is the time of year when debt collection scams peak and countless individuals are duped out of their hard-earned money. While phony debt collectors are nothing new, this year seems to be particularly troublesome with scams hitting unprecedented numbers....