If You Are Unable To Work, We Can Help Protect Your Rights
If you are injured and unable to work, who will support your family? How are you going to pay the utility bills, your car payments or your mortgage? How are you going to put food on the table? These are important questions, and we can help you get the answers you need when you contact Tarry Law Firm, L.L.C., of Cape Girardeau.
When Missouri residents cannot hold gainful employment, their financial interests and their families suffer. We understand this is stressful and that you have serious concerns about your future, but we can help. Our experienced disability attorneys can explain your rights and help you move forward with a claim for disability benefits.
Our Experienced Attorneys Fight For Disability Applicants
We understand there is a lot at stake when an accident, injury or medical condition affects your ability to work. Our lawyers will help you complete your disability application and address any complications that may arise. We assist individuals seeking support for disability issues related to occupational illnesses, work injuries, job protection and disability claims made through the Social Security Administration.
Disabled individuals face many challenges, from their right to work to their right to seek benefits when their conditions prevent them from working. Whatever your challenge may be, is the ally you need to confront it, find a resolution and move forward.
Schedule Your Free Initial Case Evaluation
Our lawyers remains committed to client needs, and we go above and beyond in every disability case we take. If necessary, we will come to where you are, provide assistance after hours and go the extra mile to ensure the protection of your rights. Our lawyers will strive to keep you from facing any additional undue hardship.
If you have questions about how we can help in your disability law case, schedule a free initial case evaluation at our Cape Girardeau law office, by emailing us or call to make your appointment.