Dramatic slip-and-falls, often precipitated by an errant banana peel, have long been a staple of visual comedy. Cartoons, printed comic strips and even live-action movies have used falls as a punchline or gag. The result of using this form of physical humor to...
Strategic Solutions, Experienced Guidance

Month: May 2024
Is a Chapter 7 bankruptcy the best option for your financial problems?
There are numerous big-ticket purchases you may have to make throughout your life. It may be a car, a house, a major vacation, jewelry, and real estate, among others. You may also need to pay for a wedding or invest in an income-generating venture. Ideally, you may...
After a head-on collision: Keeping your toddler safe
A car accident can be a scary encounter, and even more so when your child is in the car. If you're involved in a head-on collision with your toddler secured in their car seat, the adrenaline rush and concern for your child's well-being can be overwhelming. It might...
Don’t panic — explore bankruptcy options
When a financial crisis hits a Missouri household, stress and anxiety are soon to follow. In some cases, a few cutbacks in spending and updating the budget can help get things back on track. Other situations are more dire, such as if you have received a Notice of...
Important steps to take after a car accident
Car accidents happen without warning, and these events can leave you and other victims with painful injuries, damage to your personal property and more. It is not always easy to know what to do after this type of event, and you may wonder how you can ever pick up the...
Collision on US Highway 50 in Missouri
There are numerous reasons why a person driving a vehicle in Missouri might wind up heading in the wrong direction on a highway or one-way road. For example, someone might be traveling at night in an unfamiliar territory. Many times, a collision involving a wrong-way...
10 occupations linked to hearing loss
Hearing loss often happens gradually. By the time a person notices they have a problem, irreparable damage may already have occurred on vital parts of their ear. Unfortunately, loud noise is part of the daily grind for workers in various industries, putting them at a...