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What steps should you take after a motor vehicle accident?

On Behalf of | Sep 22, 2023 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

The aftermath of a car accident can be difficult. In the moment that it takes for an accident to take place, you could find yourself with serious injuries and other complications that can impact multiple areas of your life. It is not easy to navigate the days and weeks following this type of event, which is why it is helpful for all drivers to understand what they should do after an accident.

The steps you take after a crash can affect your future, especially if you have grounds for a civil claim. By knowing what to do, you can help yourself build a strong claim and increase your chance for success. If you are suffering because of the reckless or negligent actions of another person, you do not have to walk through this process alone.

At the scene of the crash

An accident can be traumatic. You may be frozen in your seat for the first few seconds after it occurs to simply gather yourself and determine if you suffered any injuries. If you are able to move safely and without causing additional harm, it is beneficial to take the following steps:

  • Check to see if others suffered injuries.
  • Call for emergency medical help and police.
  • Exchange information with others involved in the crash.
  • Gather contact information from eye witnesses.
  • Document the crash as best as you can by taking photos.

Any information that you can gather and any documentation you can find that will validate your claim may prove useful in the future.

The days and weeks after a crash

After the initial shock of a crash, you will need to decide if you will file a claim with insurance. If the accident was not your fault, you can file a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance provider. However, it is prudent to reach out to your own insurance provider first as they may file a claim on your behalf. It is important to remember that insurance companies do not have your best interests in mind, and a settlement offer may not reflect the true value of your claim.

Protecting your interests

During the days and weeks following a crash, you will need to focus on protecting your best interests and seeking the compensation you need and deserve. An assessment of your case can help you understand what options you have regarding recovery and how you can seek a strong future after a car accident.


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