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High speed factor in collision at intersection

On Behalf of | Jan 31, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Intersections are always high-risk sections of roadway in Missouri and throughout the country. A particular crossroad that happens to be near a church and school, however, has reportedly been problematic for some time now due to reckless driving and speeding. Sadly, a collision occurred just in front of the school on a recent Monday night, resulting in a fatality and critical injuries to several other people.  

Chairman of the local Traffic Commission weighs in on the issue 

The Chairman of the Ferguson Traffic Commission spoke publicly after the recent crash involving a pickup truck and a sedan. He said that he viewed footage of the collision from a surveillance camera in the area. He also stated that one of the vehicles appeared to be traveling at speeds of 70 mph or more at the time. The posted speed limit in the area is 25 mph.  

Impact was so forceful that nothing much was left of the vehicles 

Police say the two vehicles collided with such force that the front ends on both were nearly nonexistent after the crash. The driver of the sedan, which had apparently sideswiped the pickup truck as it was making a left turn, did not survive the collision. Two passengers in the vehicle suffered critical injuries and were transported to a hospital for emergency care. The driver of the pickup suffered minor injuries but was not transported to a medical facility by ambulance. 

Residents blame mayor for speeding problems in the area 

Residents, as well as some local officials, say the mayor is partially to blame for not taking swift enough action to help resolve an ongoing problem at this particular intersection. One resident noted that if the recent crash had occurred during school hours, children might have suffered injuries because one of the vehicles came to a halt directly in front of the school. The roof of the vehicle had to be cut off to extricate the occupants. It is not uncommon for cases like this to lead to litigation when driver negligence is a factor and recovering victims file personal injury claims to seek compensation for damages.  


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