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More Labor Day collisions this year than in 2019

On Behalf of | Sep 9, 2020 | Personal Injury |

The Missouri State Highway Patrol did not have good news to offer regarding crash and fatality statistics for the recent Labor Day holiday. There were reportedly more fatalities, although there were less collisions investigated this year than there were during the same time period in 2019. Analysts studied collision information that occurred from Sept. 4, 2020 at 6 p.m. up until midnight on Monday.

Sadly, 13 lives were lost in fatal collisions during Labor Day weekend this year. This is an increase of four fatalities from last year’s holiday weekend. Drunk driving is always problematic during holiday weekends. This year, Missouri law enforcement say they made approximately 145 drunk driving arrests, and an additional 89 drug arrests.

They also reported 15 waterway crashes over Labor Day weekend this year. At least seven boaters were arrested for operating their crafts while intoxicated. If a motorist or boater is negligent or reckless while driving or operating a water craft, all nearby motorists and other boaters are of course at risk for an accident.

If a person suffers injury because another driver failed to stop at red light or was operating a boat under the influence of alcohol, he or she may file a personal injury claim in civil court to seek compensation for damages. When a person does so, he or she is tasked with providing evidence to the court to show that the other motorist or boater was negligent and that his or her negligence was a direct cause of the injuries suffered. In addition to physical injuries listed as damages, recovering accident victims also often include emotional trauma, lost wages from work during recovery and other monetary damages associated with the collision in question.


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