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Truck damages highway in fiery crash

On Behalf of | Oct 11, 2019 | Personal Injury |

Auto accidents are devastating for everyone involved, including family members and loved ones who are not even in the vehicle at the time of the crash. A truck accident wreaks even more havoc, due to the sheer size and weight of the vehicle and the materials inside the truck. Motorists, pedestrians and motorcyclists have little protection in a crash involving a truck and many fatalities and personal injuries can result.

While many truck accidents are caused by truckers because of drowsy driving due to overwork or failing to yield, this is not always the case. Any vehicle can cause accidents and the reality is that regardless of the cause, the resulting crash can be disastrous. A recent truck accident in Missouri demonstrated just how true that is, as the truck caught fire and damaged the highway it was on.

According to police, one vehicle was driving erratically and ended up hitting the right rear of the semi-truck’s fuel tanker. The vehicle also hit a second car, which also struck the truck on the right side. The semi was hauling diesel across the interstate highway at the time and caught fire. The fire burned for an hour, requiring nearly three streams of water to knock it down. Several lanes of traffic were damaged.

Determining the cause of an accident is a crucial first step to recovering compensation in a personal injury lawsuit, especially when there has been physical and property damage. When there is more than one vehicle involved, proving fault might be difficult, especially when a number of unforeseen factors come together to make the crash even more devastating than it would have been. Legal issues such as accountability and liability can be discussed with an experienced attorney to get the compensation victims rightly deserve.


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