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Can I file for bankruptcy more than once?

On Behalf of | Oct 8, 2024 | Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy |

When financial troubles resurface after a previous bankruptcy, you might wonder if there is still hope for a fresh start. Can you file for bankruptcy for a second, third or even fourth time? Filing for bankruptcy multiple times is a topic that deserves careful examination, as it can significantly impact your financial future.

You will have to wait before you can file again

Filing for bankruptcy multiple times is possible. However, there is a waiting period depending on the type of bankruptcy you initially filed and the type you plan to file next:

  • Chapter 7 to Chapter 7: Wait eight years.
  • Chapter 13 to Chapter 13: Wait two years.
  • Chapter 7 to Chapter 13: Wait four years.
  • Chapter 13 to Chapter 7: Wait six years.

These time limits apply exclusively to bankruptcies where you received a discharge of your debts. The laws surrounding multiple bankruptcies aim to prevent system abuse while offering relief to those in genuine need. Courts expect you to actively work on repaying your debts during the time between filings.

It is crucial to understand that each bankruptcy remains on your credit report for years, potentially affecting your chances of getting loans with favorable interest rates. Repeated filings may also affect the automatic stay protection you receive, while some debts discharged in a prior bankruptcy may be ineligible for subsequent discharge.

Approach this option with caution

The decision to file for bankruptcy, especially a second or third time, requires careful consideration. This legal tool best suits those who genuinely need a fresh financial start after a recurring financial setback. Remember to consult a Missouri bankruptcy lawyer at every step toward a stable future.


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