People often downplay how serious a slip-and-fall can be. Most people pick themselves up off the ground with nothing more than a few bruises. However, some people end up sustaining significant injuries when they fall at a store. If the business was negligent about facility maintenance or cleaning, the injured person could have grounds for a premises liability lawsuit.
The inadequate maintenance of store premises might result in visitors falling and developing serious injuries. In fact, the worst possible outcome might involve a previously healthy individual falling and incurring a traumatic brain injury (TBI) all because of an unclean or poorly-maintained shop.
Same-level falls can hurt the brain
People typically recognize that falls from a significant elevation might put them at risk of a brain injury. What they may not realize is that a same-level fall such as a slip-and-fall can cause similarly serious medical issues.
If people aren’t able to slow their descent as they fall, they might strike their head on nearby fixtures, a shopping cart or even the floor. The blunt force trauma of the impact when they fall could cause inflammation or bleeding inside the skull. They could have a TBI that could affect their daily life and slowly worsen without medical care.
TBIs can range from mild to severe depending on the circumstances. Researchers have found that same-level falls that result in brain injuries tend to produce moderate to severe brain injuries. Falling a significant distance is not necessary for someone to injure their brain.
Unfortunately, those who fall often don’t have immediate symptoms of injury. They might try to leave the store without reporting what occurred. They could then be at risk of their condition progressing untreated for days or even weeks.
By the time they see a doctor, their symptoms may have gone from mild to significant. Typically, medical interventions for brain injuries aim to prevent the injury from worsening. Without treatment, people may develop permanent brain injuries with symptoms that affect their daily lives.
Reporting a slip-and-fall incident at a store after it happens is important. So is seeing a medical professional for proper diagnosis. People who know how to respond when they fall due to a poorly-maintained store can potentially hold the business accountable if they sustain significant injuries.