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Another fatal workplace accident in Missouri

On Behalf of | Feb 12, 2023 | Workers' Compensation |

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating a tragic accident that recently occurred in a Missouri workplace. A 42-year-old man working at a materials supply company reportedly fell off a catwalk. The walkway was several stories high, and the worker landed on rocks underneath the structure. The fatal accident occurred just before 5 p.m. on Jan. 30, a Monday. 

An EMS squad was among the first to respond to the accident scene. Before deputies arrived, the rescue team determined that the worker’s injuries were fatal. No other workers or bystanders were in the vicinity when the accident occurred, so investigators are now trying to figure out exactly what may have caused the man to fall to his death. Nevertheless, it is not believed that foul play was involved. 

Regulations regarding industrial catwalks 

OSHA regulations include a list of requirements that must be met when industrial catwalks are used in the workplace. If investigators discover that the requirements were not observed, and a worker suffered injuries or death because of it, the employer in question might receive a citation for violating safety regulations. Substantial fines may also be incurred.  

Support for families  

When a Missouri family loses a loved one because of a workplace accident, it can cause severe financial distress and emotional trauma. If a fatally injured worker has left a spouse or children behind, they may be entitled to financial support through the workers’ compensation program. A workers’ comp attorney can help surviving family members pursue financial recourse from all available sources.  


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