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Difficult recoveries often follow Missouri car accidents

On Behalf of | Dec 10, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Navigating Missouri roadways can be a challenging endeavor, especially in heavy traffic. If you happen to be sharing the road with a distracted, fatigued or intoxicated driver, an uneventful commute to work or trip to run errands can suddenly become a disastrous situation. Car accidents that involve driver negligence can result in severe, life-threatening injuries, or even death.  

If another vehicle hits you, whether because the driver veered into your lane or made a reckless or unlawful passing maneuver, the top priority is always to move to safety, if possible. Try to obtain medical attention, even if you believe that your injuries are minor. In the days and weeks that follow the incident, monitor your condition because many types of injuries can have delayed symptoms, such as brain injuries, whiplash or damage to internal organs. Recovery following a collision can be painful and challenging.  

Lost wages, medical expenses and more 

Even if you have a good insurance plan, expenses associated with car accidents often cause financial strain. If your injuries were severe, you may have had to spend time in a hospital or arrange for at-home nursing care to assist you during recovery. If you get paid by the hour at work, taking time off to recover might cause a substantial loss in income, or, perhaps, place your job at risk.  

When driver negligence is a causal factor in Missouri car accidents, recovering victims may seek compensation for damages by filing a personal injury claim in civil court. You should not have to carry the financial burden associated with your injuries, especially if the accident was preventable were it not for the other driver’s negligence. Tarry Law Firm, L.L.C., is dedicated to providing guidance and support to those who wish to seek accountability against a party deemed financially responsible for their injuries. 


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