Despite the known dangers of operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drunk driving continues to be one of the leading causes of car accidents. Alcohol can hinder a person’s ability to think clearly, react appropriately to hazards and avoid accidents. Many people underestimate the effect that alcohol has on them, assuming that they are able to drive after just a few drinks. In reality, it may only take one or two alcoholic beverages to cause dangerous levels of intoxication.
It is the responsibility of each driver to know when he or she is unable to safely operate a vehicle. Getting behind the wheel while even just slightly buzzed can have detrimental consequences, and a drunk driver is responsible for damages caused to others. If you are the victim of a drunk driving accident, you could have legal options available to you.
The facts about impairment
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 30 people die in accidents related to alcohol every day in the United States. One important factor in lowering the number of preventable car accidents is to understand the effects of alcohol on a driver and how any amount of alcohol can raise one’s blood alcohol content. The CDC says that even two to three drinks can result in slower reaction times, lower levels of alertness, reduced inhibitions, some loss of motor control and more.
The more a person drinks, the higher his or her BAC will be. Generally speaking, the higher the BAC, the less likely it is that a person will be able to safely operate a vehicle. About the time a person’s BAC reaches .08%, which is the point at which a driver is legally drunk, he or she will have diminished muscle coordination, lack of judgment and difficulty detecting danger.
What’s next after a drunk driving accident?
A drunk driving accident can leave you with painful injuries, expensive medical bills and extensive damage to your personal property. You may be unsure of how you can pick up the pieces and move forward, but it may be appropriate for you to seek compensation through a civil claim. This option provides a chance to secure the financial restitution you need to pick up the pieces, address your accident-related needs and hold the responsible parties accountable for what happened to you.