When one member of a household is ill or suffers injury, it affects the whole family, especially if the person who is ill or has been in an accident is a primary wage earner in the home. Thankfully, when an injury occurs in the workplace, the employee in question can file a workers’ compensation claim. Most employers in Missouri and throughout the country are required to purchase this type of insurance, which provides benefits to help cover medical expenses, replace lost wages during recovery and more.
What if your employer denies your claim?
Navigating the workers’ compensation system can be stressful and frustrating. If you run into a problem where your employer refuses to provide compensation that you believe you’re entitled to after a workplace accident, it can make matters even worse. That’s why it’s so important to know how to file a claim and where to seek additional support if your claim is denied.
Employers must adhere to state laws
It’s not up to an employer whether to provide workers’ comp benefits or deny a claim. Every employer must act in accordance with state laws that govern such matters. Having someone well-versed in such laws on your side is especially helpful when you believe you’re entitled to benefits but have not received them because your employer is denying your claim.
An experienced workers’ comp attorney knows what to do
At Tarry Law Firm, in Missouri, an experienced legal team with more than 15 years of experience is dedicated to providing strong support to ensure that you get the medical treatments you need, as well as any and all workers’ compensation benefits to which you may be entitled after contracting illness or suffering an injury on the job. It’s understandable that you may need help to make ends meet while you’re taking time off work, especially if yours is the primary income of your household. By requesting a consultation, you can take the first steps toward determining the best course of action to help you achieve as full a recovery as possible.